Find out where you can get help and support for bereavement.
You can contact these organisations yourself without speaking to a GP first.
Surrey Cruse Bereavement Care
Support, advice and information for children, young people and adults when someone dies. The charity also works to enhance society’s care of bereaved people.
Patients of all ages are eligible.
Phone: 0808 808 1677
Way Up
Way Up is an active, online self-help group aimed at providing mutual support to those who have been widowed primarily, but not exclusively, in their 50’s and 60’s. Based in the UK. Way Up is a group with a positive, forward looking attitude to rebuilding lives. An online forum provides and important space for members to initiate friendships, exchange views and to give and receive care and support. Way Up also organises meet ups in person. Members organise events or outings across the UK, and the group occasionally travel together abroad. There is no formal network of local groups, however members can find other local members to arrange meeting up closer to home.
Bereavement Cafe
The princess Alice bereavement café Banstead
The Princess Alice Hospice runs bereavement cafés at locations throughout Surrey and South West London. Bereavement cafés are monthly drop-in sessions that are open to all bereaved people, whether or not they have had a loved one under the care of Princess Alice Hospice. The cafés offer refreshments, and a chance to talk with someone who is trained to listen and to share experiences with other bereaved people. The Banstead Bereavement Café meets at Banstead Day Centre on the second Thursday of each month between 11am-12.30pm. This café is run in conjunction with Age Concern and is suitable for older people.
Telephone: 01737 352156
Other organisations that could help you
There are a number of other NHS services and charity groups that work in our area.